AVB and its branches, in partnership with SENAI Açailândia, have hired 54 apprentices, 26 of which are apprentices in Electromechanics and 29 are apprentices in Metallurgy.
The activities started in March and April 2017 and are scheduled for closure in December 2018.
The students become employees of AVB and its branches; they receive payment proportional to their work hours, a healthcare plan and a Vale Card voucher.
AVB and its branches are fully aware of the importance of their role in the qualification of these apprentices, and that they decisively contribute to their academic background, professional and personal guidance and, most of all, to the on-the-job training through which they will all undergo as soon as the schedule is defined; this will allow for a linkage between theory and practice and bring the students into contact with the professional environment.
This key social project, which is supported by public bodies, provides closer proximity with the communities in which AVB operates, development and qualification of future citizens who will build through their performance, attitude, entrepreneurial profile and commitment, the future for their professional carrers, workforce for AVB and for the market concerned.